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Website Design Guidelines For Novices

by menlo lippowski

The internet is the first place people go to find the information they seek. The web provides people with quick access to information and the ability to find products they are seeking. While other markets are suffering, the World Wide Web is running strong.

A website design that uses an efficient layout can be a useful marketing tool to be employed for drawing client's to your business as well as to sell your products online or deploy a site or blog that imparts information.

The design of your website is an important aspect of the success of your site. The purpose of a website is to get people to visit, and keep visiting. A site that is visitor friendly must be one that has an attractive design, quality information, and easy, clutter free, navigation.

When picking your template colors, make sure and choose colors that are not painful to the eyes of visitors. Avoid picking bright colors, or using too many colors. The site can use too much color, so a good rule of thumb for your site is to select three different shades of one color. The shade of your text should also be easy to read against the background of the other colors you select.

Every website must have quality content to thrive. You want your visitors to return to your website once they have viewed it and bring friends when they return. To do this, you must have informative and correct content. With this in mind, any product that is sold must have complete and clear descriptions.

Easy navigation is also important when designing your website. You want to ensure that your sites pages are easy to get to. Every page on your site should be clickable within three clicks. Using a navigation bar is the easiest way to ensure that your pages are properly linked together. Posting a site index can also be helpful

If you have a very low hit rate, meaning no visitors at your site, all of the hard work you have done is for nothing. Using search engine optimization methods will help you increase the popularity of your site. This allows you to get a higher rank when a person is using a search engine, it involves the process of putting keywords into your webpage. For you site to appear higher on results pages, these specific keywords strategically placed in your site will be identified.

If this seems like biting off more than you can chew, there is always the option of hiring someone experienced in web design to assist you. Often, you can find online designers, but there are sure to be ones in your area as well. You can do an online search to find web designers. It is simple as typing in web design Los Angeles in your search engine, and a list of experienced designers in that area should pop up.

No matter if you looking to the web for a marketing campaign to bring attention to your business, selling a product via online store or have an information site, you can benefit from a well laid out website design. Without visitors all of the hard work you've put into your site will be pointless. One method to increase page views and to promote your site is the use of search engine optimization techniques. Using keywords properly will cause your site to appear closer to the top on search results. For professional assistance, try typing "web design los angeles" into a search engine.

Published October 6th, 2008

Filed in Internet

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