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Dealing With Potty Accidents At Day Care

by Fiona Lohrenz

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Thank you, Fiona Lohrenz

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Potty Training Accidents At Day Care

'I was too late' or 'I had an accident and peed my pants' are refrains all too familiar to anyone involved in working with toilet training children at day care. Whether a novice at the potty training process or an experienced toileter having a bad day, toilet training accidents are par for the course in every preschool.

Maybe children are just too immersed in play to even register the need to go to the bathroom, or the message from young bladders just doesn't travel quickly enough to the brain or a child simply feels a little under the weather but, whatever the reason, these leakages can, and will occur.

Whatever the reason, the child must be comforted with encouraging words, smiles must be returned to teary faces and the big clean up and sanitisation must be performed by the trusty day care worker.

So, what simple steps can we take to minimize toileting accidents and ease the clean up process. Key here is to be up to speed on each child's level of development, aware of their routines and prepared to offer frequent reminders to go to the potty.

Even if they child doesn't actually 'go' you are getting them into the habit of regular toilet visits. All attempts are an achievement and should be commended. Be aware of the 'busy bees' who are so excited about their activities in the class room that they hold it, and hold it until!!!! Have a toileting emergency pack to hand near each potty area including disposable shoe covers, gloves, sanitizer, cloths and large absorbent tissues !for a quick clean up. Have plastic bags in this pack for the soiled clothing and have easy access to the child's spare clothes bag (a toilet training child should have at least 3 sets of clothes). Don't forget to sanitize the bottom of little shoes that may have walked in the offending substances!!

All the above steps can help to ease everyone through these little dramas. You don't want to get caught out by these potentially stressful and inevitable accidents. You can sail through each episode if you are well prepared.

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To discover more about how to start a daycare, visit Child Care Only where you will find this and much more, covering all aspects of opening daycares.

Published June 3rd, 2009

Filed in Business, Home Business

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