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Build A Website: Create Your Site In Six Steps

by Tem Balanco

Creating your own website is never easy. Even an average man without knowledge of basic programming codes and languages can easily create one. Here are six easy steps to follow on how to build a website for your business or organization.

Getting a web host and a domain name should first be done before you build a website. Why is it important? A web host is the web location of your website and its web pages, while a domain name can help your business or organization become more identifiable in the internet. These two are the most critical steps that need to be accomplished first. Find a reliable web hosting service provider to avoid hassle. A domain name, on the other hand, does not matter at all. There are hundred thousands of web pages found on the internet -this is the main reason why you should establish a domain name uniquely your own.

Creating a draft of the site's layout and content is the next step. What do you want to see in your website? What color does your business or company would most likely represent? What type of layout do you like? Do you want a formal or an informal layout? Plan everything in details, and make a checklist of everything you have to accomplish. These steps can help you monitor your goal.

The third step you have to follow to build a website is more like a rule, than a step. One web page must be created after the other. To avoid cluttered ideas and pages, mismatched contents and empty hyperlinks, you have to carefully create one page after the other. You have to hire a programmer who can create it for you if you don't want to learn all the codes. You have to make sure you will be able to hire a programmer who knows the basics in HTML, CSS, and web page editors.

Publish your website once everything is ready. It is called a "web-site because it can be viewed in the internet. Your web hosting service or FTP client will help you with this one. It should be uploaded per page.

Promoting your site is the next step. Let people view it by promoting your website. Search engine optimization (SEO), Web marketing articles, and rank boosters are just some of the internet marketing strategies. A number of companies offer such internet marketing services. The last step is to maintain your website. Constantly updating and running your website for a quality check is the right way of maintaining your site. This has to be undertaken regularly to avoid errors and web hackers.

You do not have to be a professional programmer or an experienced web developer to build a website for your business, or for an organization. Believe it or not, it can be done in five easy steps. First, you have to secure a web host and domain name. Second, you have to plan your site's content and layout. Third, you have to start creating a page at a time. Fourth, you have to publish your site. Fifth, you have to promote it. And lastly, you have to maintain it.

Published September 14th, 2011

Filed in Internet

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